4-24-18: We won our lawsuit against the Mahoning County Board of Elections who used unconstitutional law, H.B. 463 TO TAKE THE YOUNGSTOWN DRINKING WATER PROTECTION BILL OF RIGHTS OFF OUR Nov. 2017 ballot and attempted to do the same in May of 2018! WE HAD QUALIFIED IT WITH ENOUGH REGISTERED VOTER SIGNATURES TO ALLOW THE PEOPLE OF YOUNGSTOWN TO BE ABLE TO VOTE!! Background:October 19, 2017 OH Supreme Court Rules that HB 463 IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! Yet, back on Oct. 6, 2017: 4 out of 7 Ohio Supreme Court Justices kept Youngstown Drinking Water Protection and Fair Elections issues off after Mahoning County Board of Elections cited HB 463 in order to take them OFF the Ballot! March 13,2018 Betras, Wasko, Winbush and Munroe once again used ILLEGAL LAW to SUPPRESS VOTING IN YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO! Previously, THREE Ohio Supreme Court Justices: Patrick Fischer, Maureen O'Connor, William O'Neill DID REPRESENT CITIZENS, AND STOOD UP FOR CITIZENS' RIGHTS!: Justice Patrick Fischer wrote Friday’s dissenting opinion, with Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor and Justice William O’Neill joining him.Justice Fischer wrote the board’s “role in processing initiative petitions does not extend to evaluating the substantive ballot-worthiness of a proposal.” He also wrote that while the majority decision didn’t address House Bill 463, he contends it’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL. The Board of Elections of Mah. Co. cited ILLEGAL & UNCONSTITUTIONAL H.B. 463, see VIDEO https://youngstownhappenings.com/videos/embed/board-elections-2017-09-06